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The self-assessment test I took, took me by surprise. I knew my over all well being needed work but I didn’t know I was so far from where I really needed to be. For the physical wellness portion of the test I scored a 37 out of 72. Too my relief the site called it fair. Reading into it, I learned that I need to study what exercises will give me more energy but more importantly I need to practice it. I advised me to “live in the awareness that you are energy.” This means so much to me in everyway possible. I’m still figuring it out but in general I take that I need to live my life knowing that I’m energy and in realizing this I will live happier (and probably longing). It also suggested me not to over-eat and choose foods that are vital. It wants me to study what foods would aid in this process. It’s worth telling that the test wants me to “eat in a harmonious environment” if possible. The second part is titled “Emotional Wellness Result.” I got a 48 out of 76, which is “fair-good”, but the suggestions seem off to my thoughts. It advises me to think only positive thoughts since “injurious thoughts steel one to receive injury to oneself.” Next is my spiritual wellness result, which graded me 24 out of 32; labeled “fair-good.” I love that it opens with “be a cause, not an effect.” It tells to only listen to positive people who promote you. That if I live outward “the light of faith and wisdom” in me can flourish. I really like that this test called spiritual a self-wellness thought and not a religious one. It concludes with an “Overall Wellness Result” which informs me that I “fair-good” with 109 out of 180. It only states one thing: “Make a commitment to change your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.”

            After taking the self-assessment test reviewed above I feel better focused on improving my over wellness health. I plan to take all the advice offered from the test but by breaking it into my life slowly and little by little. I defiantly want to start stretching before bed and right when I wake every morning, everyday. I would like to commit to yoga at least 3 times a week, too. I want to lift weights, since I’ve taken a bodybuilding class I know how to practice this healthily, five days a week and run three days a week. I believe these activities will benefit me greatly. For my emotional wellbeing, I plan to meditate and try to only think positive thoughts. I would like to meditate over powerful mantras that will be me wisdom, and, in turn, positivity. For the last portion of the test, the Spiritual wellness results, I plan to not hold back on my dreams or anything that makes me happy. I plan to dive head on in my art/fashion design.

            The importance of sustaining a healthy lifestyle goes without saying. There are a number of resources to rely on, including Healthy People 2010, which strive to improve the health of all people. Well reading the book by R. Donatella you can’t help to get the point that smoking is horrible for you. Sure, studies show that women are at greater risk but there’s still an all too real risk that I will develop a disease form smoking. The book proves a fact in life: that 90% of children will smoke if their parents smoke (Donatella 17). I’m still fighting this battle but am making way. I’m on my fourth day smoke-free! The book talks about how if your family at home don’t smoke around you it’s easier to quit and this is true as no one smokes in my house. We know that health promotion is the best to stand against this horror; rather it is through stop smoking programs or any of the many other methods that the book mentions (Donatella 12). The reading makes the fantastic point that “the mark of a truly healthy person is whether the individual focuses beyond the ‘me’ aspect of human existence and becomes equally concerned with the ‘we’ aspect of health.”

            As stated early, I have goals to move my wellness in the right direction, however, the three major goals I have are: 1) exercise at least once a day, 2) mediate at least twice a week for at least 30 minutes, and 3) strive to produce that which makes me happiest.

            There are many resources to aid me on my journey to wellness. I love the six dimensions of wellness and plan to incorporate each of them on my journey. As Dr. Hettler, MD, states in The Six Dimensions of Wellness Model: “by applying the model, a person becomes aware of the interconnectedness of each dimension and how they contribute to healthy living.” With 79% of educational health “focused on the physical aspect” people tend to ignore or not bring importance to the fact that the six dimensions are of great importance (UniCin). I’m looking forward to getting my health on the right track and taking this class has been the first huge step! Wish me luck!


Works Cited

Dr. Bill Hettler, M. (1976). The Six Dimensions of Wellness Model. National Wellness Institue, Inc. Retrieved from

Evelyn L. Fitzwater, D. R. (2014, September 8). Dimensions of Wellness - Part 1: A Holistic Approach. Retrieved from NetWellness:

University of Cincinnati. (2014). A Holistic Approach to Wellness. Retrieved from College of Nursing:

Donatelle, Rebecca J. Health The Basics: Custom Pasadena City College Edition. Jan 2012.




After writing my personal health paper I learned a lot about my personal health and what I can do to better myself. I really enjoyed taking the test and reviewing my health stance at that moment. I've been making changes in my life now that I have a better idea of what to do to make my life healthier. Although I'm making changes, I realize I still need to make major changes to achieve my maximum potential of living healthy. I've always had a desire to be healthy but never found the strength to make it come into action. I feel that just starting is the hardest thing to do. That goes for everything not just health. Once I wrote out where I'm currently at and realized where I want to be, I feel that I've already invested greatly into my health that I might as well continue.

I love that I've taken a test to evaluate my health stance. I never really knew how well or bad my health was so knowing what I know now I'm much happier. Too, that the test offers suggestions on correcting, or improving, where I need help is a major plus. Again, that it offers a start really helps me as getting started is the hardest thing for me.

I really liked that it offered spiritual health evaluation and suggested what needs improvement with this section. I feel that many health related organizations don’t recognize the importance of spiritual health, or mental health for that matter. I know that if I’m going to be truly, and completely, healthy then I need to take into account these areas of my life.

During this writing, it’s the second week after writing my paper so there hasn’t been major changes, yet. I plan on taking into account all the suggestions and react to the low scores I’ve received from the test but I know that I’m going to need a bit more time. I’m defiantly not afraid of making these changes but know that I have to stay persistent if I really want to get to my goal health stance.


Personal Health Paper

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