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This project has helped me learn a great deal about calories and how they affect your body. I never really paid too much attention (if I’m being honesty, any attention) to how many calories I consume.  I’ve always been very skinny and growing up I was influenced that calories were only a concern if you’re overweight.  When I took a bodybuilding class at Pasadena City College I learned that calories weren’t as important as protein and other components.  Until this class I didn’t think I would ever be someone who counts calories but I have to say that that has all changed.  I’m now concerned in the sense that I wasn’t get enough calories. I’ve been tracking my calorie intake and what I found is shocking. I’ve so under my daily recommendation that it’s scary. In taking action on this I’ve already seen that I’m putting on weight. Not much but for the first time in my life I’m gaining and not staying the same. On one day I only consumed 1200 calories (1500 short of what I need to put weight on) and that really put me in a bad place mentally. Well learning all about calories I’ve found that I’m excited to share my findings and have promoted the app I’m using with many people. On the flip side I’ve learned how important counting and controlling how many calories people take can affect them when it comes to gaining weight. There are so many people overweight and if they knew what I learned they can possibility cut that number and starts losing weight. I was surprised to learn what had the most calories and what didn’t. I’m sure this people would be just as shocked and maybe make healthier decisions when it comes to daily calorie intake. The biggest surprise I learned was the power of fast food and how many calories they offer. It’s truly disgusting to think that some people can consume their entire daily calorie intake at only fast food sitting. Even with me though. I can consume a really lot of calories, yes, but at what expense to my body as a whole? The answers I learned where not good.

Lastly I will say I learned a lot about how bad my eating habits are. In counting calories I have a daily calendar of what I’m eating and I really don’t like what I’ve consumed. You don’t really see it because it’s something that you do every day, all day. Eating is taken for granted all too often and I’m going to make a real effort to change that. I’m positive that some good has came of this project as far as calories go with me. 

Calories Project #2

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